Digitizing your work
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[How to digitize your work] [Studio space
application form]
We accept images in the following formats
There are two ways in which to digitise your images
for inclusion on our Web site, direct and indirect scanning. With direct scanning the
original is either photographed using a digital camera or scanned using a flat bed
scanner. In the indirect process the original is first photographed using conventional
print or transparency film, the print or We accept images either Keep your image file size as small as possible and remember
that screen resolution does not normally exceed 96 dots per inch so scanning at 1200dpi
for large images is pretty much a waste of time (it won't fit on a single Do ensure that you have proper colour saturation and if possible scan at 24 bits per pixel at the highest resolution you can (see above). Fine tune your resulting image on screen with the correct Gamma setting for your monitor. Try and keep the final image size 40k or less. We will accept images via email but please warn us before sending, stating number and total image file size. |
info@oriel-cambria.co.uk |